Saturday 25 June 2016

In defense of tribes: Group formation as a necessary response to cultural/moral differences

Some moral rules are mutually exclusive. nudists and nakidity-haters cannot coexist.

Some differences are not contradictory buy are hard to put up with in close proximity. i e; religious differences/manners/different lifestyles.

Regarding the second kind of differences, what are solutions?
  1. become more tolerant, so disliking or carrying about what others do.
  2. remove the other annoying difference buy either changing yourself or changing/removing the other group.

in many cases, (i.e: not gay rights etc) learning to live with it, 1, is not possible. That leaves option 2 options. 1: cultural genocide of the other side. 2. separation

I prefer perpetration/isolation to cultural/actual genocide. Hence why i believe nation states and similar tribal groupings which intentionally exclude others who do not fit are not bad ideas, even on a purely principles level if we lived in a fairy land with no practical concerns where we could choose whatever system we wanted and economic efficiency, governance and corruption weren't concerns.

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