Few martyrs have families. To sacrifice your own live is brave. To sacrifice that of your children send maniacal.
To be a good person, you may have to pay a price. Especially when in a position of power, challenging evil means challenging the interests of others.
Willingness to pay a small price, say a lost promotion, means you can be a little moral. To many this is no small thing. It means sacrificing their future. Still, overall, compared to the stars in the sky or the billions of our ancestors who lived and died in darkness, it is nothing.
Willingness pay a medium price, losing your livelihood, the respect of your community or being subjected to torture or harm, let's you be somewhat moral.
Willingness to to give your life is another step up. Depending on what you personally value, giving up your reputation and your legacy may mean even more. Once you can give everything up, only then can you truly be good. For as long as there is some interest you have which you would cat aside your morals to protect, you can bet that evil will use that against you.
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